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Are you a young professional

looking to Get Involved in your


Join us!

What is Get Involved?

We are a nonprofit organization based in Pittsburgh, PA providing leadership and development programs and initiatives that engage, energize, educate, and empower students and young professionals.

Our Founder:

Tom Baker

Tom Baker is the Founder and Chief Program Officer of Get Involved!, Inc. Since February 2008, Tom has spoken with over 250,000 students, young professionals, and community leaders at over 350 colleges, corporations, professionals associations, and civic groups across the country. He proudly serves as the CEO of Variety Pittsburgh.

Our Board of Directors

What does Get Involved do?

Pittsburgh Service Summit

The Service Summit brings together hundreds of students, young professionals, and community leaders to learn from keynote speakers about best practices and strategies to make a larger difference in the region.

Fast Track Community Leadership Program

This community leadership program brings together other young-minded Pittsburgh professionals to learn more about civic engagement, community leadership, & service.

Power Hour Leadership Series

Each month, we bring together community leaders to brainstorm ways to positively influence the region, assist each others businesses and organizations, and develop connections. We also feature panelists who share about ways that you can make a difference.

Why should you get involved?

Educate Yourself

Engaging community means understanding the issues that impact your region, building tools to create real change, and solving problems.

Empower Your Community

When your community is empowered, you are too. An empower community has a say over the decisions that impact them most.

Inspire & Motivate Others

Get Involved! includes a network of talented, young professionals who understand the importance of civic engagement.

Network & Share Experiences

Civic engagement means you are meeting like-minded people who have the same drive and passion to change the world as you do.

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